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Adding a Form Title

If you have not added a title to your form, you may find that the form has "Forms" as the default title. You may change the title of the Form by adding a Heading 1 within your form.

To add a title to your form:

  1. In the back office, select the "Forms" section from your dashboard, this will take you to the Forms "homepage".
  2. Navigate to the form you'd like to change the title of
  3. If your form has a presentation question, select the edit button
  4. If your form does not have a presentation question:
    1. Select "Add Question"
    2. From the Display After Question field, select "Top" from the dropdown menu
    3. From the Question Type field, select "Presentation" from the dropdown menu
  5. Move your cursor to the Presentation Text field
  6. From the Formats dropdown, select "Headings", "Heading 1"
  7. Type the form title you'd like to appear at the top of your form
  8. Select "Save"
  9. After saving and publishing your form, the Heading 1 text added in the steps above will be present as the form title