Learning Centre
Folders and Organization
With Govstack Forms, you can easily manage and organize online forms in one central location on your website. You can create a series of folders to organize your forms by category, service or department.
Create a folder
To create a folder:
- Navigate to the main form list on Govstack Forms
- Click the “Add Folder” button located at the top of the list
- In the “Display Name” field, enter the name of the folder (this name will appear in the URL address for any forms added to the folder)
- Click “Save” to complete the process
Your new folder will be added to the main form list in Govstack Forms.
Access a folder
To access a folder, navigate to the “List” tab in Govstack Forms. All folders should appear in the main list. Click the folder name to enter a specific folder. Alternatively, you can select the “Open Folder” button next to the folder name.
Delete a folder
Deleting a folder will also delete any forms (and the associated responses) stored in that folder.
To delete a folder:
- Navigate to the “List” tab in Govstack Forms
- Click the “Delete” button with an X next to the folder you want to delete
- Select “Yes, Delete Folder” to complete the process
Moving forms and folders
To move a form or folder between folders:
- Locate the form or folder you want to move from the Govstack Forms “List” tab
- Select the form or folder you want to move
- Click the “Configuration” tab located at the top of the form
- In the “Move To” field select the name of the folder you'd like to move the form or folder to
- Click the “Save” button in order to move the form or folder
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