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Folders and Organization

With Govstack Forms, you can easily manage and organize online forms in one central location on your website. You can create a series of folders to organize your forms by category, service or department.

Create a folder

To create a folder:

  1. Navigate to the main form list on Govstack Forms
  2. Click the “Add Folder” button located at the top of the list
  3. In the “Display Name” field, enter the name of the folder (this name will appear in the URL address for any forms added to the folder)
  4. Click “Save” to complete the process

Your new folder will be added to the main form list in Govstack Forms.

Access a folder

To access a folder, navigate to the “List” tab in Govstack Forms. All folders should appear in the main list. Click the folder name to enter a specific folder. Alternatively, you can select the “Open Folder” button next to the folder name.

Delete a folder

Deleting a folder will also delete any forms (and the associated responses) stored in that folder.

To delete a folder:

  1. Navigate to the “List” tab in Govstack Forms
  2. Click the “Delete” button with an X next to the folder you want to delete
  3. Select “Yes, Delete Folder” to complete the process

Moving forms and folders

To move a form or folder between folders:

  1. Locate the form or folder you want to move from the Govstack Forms “List” tab
  2. Select the form or folder you want to move
  3. Click the “Configuration” tab located at the top of the form
  4. In the “Move To” field select the name of the folder you'd like to move the form or folder to
  5. Click the “Save” button in order to move the form or folder

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