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Public Submissions

Govstack Events allows members of the public to submit events for review and approval. As a member of the public, you may want to add an event that you are hosting to the community calendar. Learn how you can submit an event to the calendar.

Sign in to the calendar

From the calendar on the public website, click the “Submit an Event” button. This will take you to the “Your Account” page. If you already have an account, select the “I already have an account and would like to login” button.

If you don't have an account, select the “I do not have an account and would like to create one” button. To create an account, follow the instructions provided. You'll need to respond to the confirmation email before you can add an event to the calendar.

If you're a calendar administrator, you can access Govstack Events from the back office.

Submit an event form

Once you've signed in, you'll be on the “Calendar Home” screen. Select “Submit an Event” from the toolbar located at the top of the screen. This will take you to the “Event Information” form. Fill out the form with all relevant information about your event.